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Re: UKHA meet pics...

> As a question for you projector'ed guys... Do you still go the

About once or twice a year now maybe if there's a movie I really HAVE to

Like Phil has already said, once the kids come along it's lots more
difficult to get to the cinema.  When we were building the house we decided
(yes, that's me AND my understanding Mrs) to install the projector.  We
able to do a proper CRT install easily as it was a new build.  I would
probably have gone for an LCD if I was having to retro fit into an existing
house - although they do make a hell of a racket, they are v.bright and

> Can you guys sit through a movie at the cinema without screaming?

Funny you say that - group of us walked out of the local cinema last year.
The sound was appalling.  We were all sitting there saying our home systems
sounded better.  I even grassed the cinema up to Dolby.  They said when
there's no apparent surround generally what has happened is the audio has
been turned down due to someone complaining it's too loud.

A projector is an extravagance, but life's all about priorities.  Just
thinking yesterday - my Digital camcorder cost 100 quid less than my car
year old Audi).  I need to get out more!


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