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RE: DDAR Servers

As an aside I dont ever close doors in my flat and I find it very odd if
machines are not powered on.  Its all just a little too quiet ;-)

Back to the DDAR though.  S3 (aka Sonicblue) produce these devices plus the
rio range of portables.  They also brought up Empeg, the guys who built the
in-car mp3 player which is now being sold on the site.
Interestingly the most information I have found out about the ddar so far
was from the Linux ARM message board where one of the empeg guys was
discussing the internals of the system.

Above is the link to this email I refered to.  I might try and give the guy
a call and see if he can help. If he is that au fait with the internals its
likely he would have a good idea how it works ;-)


Kieran J. Broadfoot
Equities Unix Administration.
Goldman Sachs, London.
Phone: 0207 774 5946
Dect: 0207 552 6003
Fax: 0207 774 0550

-----Original Message-----
From: Dr John Tankard [mailto:john@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 8:51 AM
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] DDAR Servers

> Kieran,
> Is there a 'Hack your DDAR' site a la 'Hack Your EPODS' ??

Ive done a few searches and come up blank, if you find anything be sure to
let us all know.

I cannot understand why they are not more popular, it has transformed our
music listening.

Perhaps it is that people are not used to having a PC on all the time, I
know that it would be a problem if you had to do to a different room to
power up a pc before you could use the system. I have 3 PC on 24/7 at home
and they warm up my office, I have no heating even in winter, when I am
working a 4th workstation is on and I have to open a window

Back to the DDAR if it is Linux based I wonder if it could be hacked and a
hard drive added, you could then stream directly from the local disk at the
end of the day if they do not have mass appeal then its unlikely that Rio
will develop the product further and that would be a shame.


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