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Re: Node zero in the loft

I've been running a couple of PCs (Linux router and mp3
"jukebox") in the
loft for over a year without any noticeable problems.

I have had an electronic thermometer up there too, which indicates that the
temperature hasn't been outside of 0-30 degrees C.

I guess the dust may be clogging up the fans gradually - but it's a chance
I'm prepared to take...


----- Original Message -----
From: David Paterson (Pixi) <david.paterson@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 11:06 PM
Subject: [ukha_d] Node zero in the loft

Hi all,

About the only place I can find to fit in a node zero for a network
switch, patch bay, controller, whatever etc. in my new house is in the
loft.  I know a few people on the list have PC's and other stuff up in
their lofts, and I was wondering if this is a good place for it.

It seems to be nice and cool (at least it is now, not sure about in the
summer :-) and plenty of room, but it's also a bit dusty.  Has anyone
had any problems with dust, or are there ways to prevent it clogging up
the system, like extra filters or a special case?

David P.

David_Paterson = david.paterson@xxxxxxx ¦ david.paterson@xxxxxxx;

Senior R & D programmer    There are three kinds of people in the world
Visual Sciences Ltd.        those who can count, and those who can't...

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