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Re: Finding my servers IP address

Hi Ian,
Fire up a command prompt and use ipconfig.  ipconfig /? will give you a list of commands.
- Phil
----- Original Message -----
From: Ian B
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 11:02 AM
Subject: [ukha_d] Finding my servers IP address

I know there was a thread a while back with the answer to this one but
having spent nearly two hours looking I cannot find it so....

I have set up Windows 2000 server and need to know its IP address for
accessing the HV webserver. Winipcfg is not present any more and never
reported a dynamically assigned IP address to me anyway. The IP is assigned
from my RG access point.

How do I find it both now and after a reboot???



p.s. sorry for the double post to those in both ukha_d and homevis

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