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Re: [OT] Exporting from Excel

On Thursday 01 March 2001 13:38 pm, you wrote:
> I understand that sentiment!
> I use NOTEPAD for my HTML coding by preference, or more recently, I
> have been using Notetab Pro, which is like MDI notepad.
> What I can suggest is export the XLS as a CSV file, then manually chop
> it up, and use Notetab Pro, or Notepad to tidy it up.....
> Slightly tedious, but your HTML will be about a quarter of the size of
> Frontpage generated stuff!

Right, I've got it into fairly clean HTML now (Thanks Graham).

I used Frontpage to open the xls sheet, it's still full of crap, but with
"clean" features of Dreamweaver I should be able to clean it up
enough to
make a go of it... this space.

(o o)
Stuart Grimshaw          sg@xxxxxxx
Special Projects Developer                            t: 07976 625221
Schoolsnet LTD             .oooO  Oooo.               f: 0870 7060260
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