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Re: Re: Activehome and GMT

Hi Mark,

Wire up something she has to find trouble or hassle to switch on.

My other half has a water feature that is switched on in the garage. I
wired it up to an appliance module and now she can switch it on and off via
the remote control. You should see here smile when she does it. Not bad for
only a few days after buying the system (Thanks Homebase!!)

I still have to convince her that it is a good idea to put the rest of the
house on auto but I am sure she will come round eventually (yeh, right I
hear you all shout) :o)


At 09:46 27/06/01, you wrote:
>It does give LonLat as well, presumably for locations not listed. I
>assumed that the numbers were accurate for glasgow but I'll check that
>out. I had thought of moving to homeseer but I think I read somewhere
>that you need a separate component for downloading the fast macros.
>Is that correct? I'm still trying to convince my nearest and dearest
>that we should have this stuff at all never mind tell her that I'll
>have to leave my PC on all the time!

Automated Home UK

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