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MP3 Pro Codec...

Well, I have had a chance to construct some basic tests of the new codec,
(you can get it from ) I have to say that I am incredibly

The new MP3 pro codec is a two parter: one encodes mpeg data just as the
existing codec, but at a much lower bit rate, the second part uses advanced
perceptive techniques to spot the "mistakes" the first stream is
prone to
make, and adds a correction stream...

The result is that a much lower bitrate can sustain much better quality:

The initial codec release support 64Kb streams only, which is equivelant to
128k MP3.

On my setup, (and with my ears!) existing MP3 codecs produce good results:
128 sounds fine, but 160 is noticeably better, although I can *sometimes*
spot the difference if a CD and MP3 are played back to back.  at 192, I am
unable to distinguish between CD sources ane MP3.

I cannot tell the difference between 128K MP3 and 64K MP3 Pro. To my ears,
each time I pick the "better" one, it's always the MP3 pro.

Mp3 pro will allow music at what is currently 192k quality, to be store din
a 96k datastream, making a smaller file than 128k is at present!


Well worth a try.
Tim? Fancy giving it a spin on the ole Golden ears?


Automated Home UK

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