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Light Bulb Life, was: Re: Re: [Development] Lights functions required

Ahhhh swapping lightbulbs....

Greatest success story has to be the folded flouro in my Mum's kitchen.

When they had just came out, I went out and bought one (a Phillips 60W
equivelant if I remember) and brought it home. I was still living at home,
at the end of my third year at university, which makes it Winter 1991, and
it is *still* going strong :)

She often comments that she has had to change (in her perception) Hundreds
of bulbs throughout the house, whilst this one just goes on and on and

It will be a shame when it finally does fail, as it has been there longer
than any family pet we ever had!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Doxey" <ukha@xxxxxxx>
>Bulbs have a life of say 1000 hours on average. Some will fail at 900,
> 950, 1000, 1050,1100 etc. All the initial set of bulbs will fail
within a
> fairly short timespan. As they get replaced the intervals will space
> themselves out. If you have 12 bulbs on a circuit you will replace 12
> every 1000 hours, over time it will average out to be one every 80-100
> hours.

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