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RE: Win2k install question

Well I just pulled an all nighter, and I managed to install the upgrade version of Windows 2000 on a C1VE with no CDROM drive. It wasn't easy, and I came across loads of stumbling blocks along the way. If I get round to putting together a web page, I'll post the details here.
-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Morris [mailto:timothy.morris@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 07 June 2001 21:47
To: C1 Forum
Subject: Win2k install question

I'm ready to install win2k on my C1VE but I've run into a problem. I have an upgrade from win2k workstation, and don't have a CD drive. I was planning to install from an i386 folder on the D: partition, but once the file copy is over it bombs out from setup with a message that Windows NT is not installed on the machine. Is there a way of getting around this without installing NT?
I want to do a clean install of Win2k, not an upgrade from NT4.
Any ideas? I seem to remember it only being a difference in a single file.

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