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DDAR + MP3 Stuff

  • To: "UKHA" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: DDAR + MP3 Stuff
  • From: "Kenneth Watt" <kennethwatt@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 18:53:59 +0100
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Those of you that already have a DDAR an probably help with this one.

I want to rip a good proportion of my 300+ CD's, 200+ Albums and some tapes
to MP3 or WMA, if memory serves the DDAR is capable of receiving both
formats, but here is the burning questions, if I rip the music (CD's
using Windows Media Player to WMA the file tags all seem to be correct and
things are shown as they should be for the track/artist/album/genre info
which is great and the file is smaller, the downside being the licence and
am not so sure about quality on non-MS product have you had experience of

If I rip the CD's using Audio Catalyst, which is good and has a CDDB hook
for info, then all the track info is on a single line and this does not set
the ID tags correctly, total pain :o( Imagine having to type out all this
info! Is there something I'm missing here, or have you found an easier way
of doing this?

I just went and got a 40G drive solely for MP3 storage and I do not want to
start typing out track info for that many albums if there is any way I can
avoid it.

Any pointers appreciated.



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