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Re: 1-wire Samples

On Thursday 31 May 2001 22:42 pm, you wrote:

> So, what do I need to do to get temperature monitoring back to a PC
> HomeSeer?

I don't know about homeseer, but for the PC you need the serial->1-wire
adaptor, there are a few available but the one I'd go for is the DS9097U
the 9097E, which is obsolete and a bag of crap :-) They cost about 17 quid
from Farnell.

> Do any of the 1-wire devices give light intensity (I'm thinking
> of daylight sensing for HomeSeer)?

No, they don't do light sensors, but they do have a/d converters, so you
could hook a normal ldr up to one of those and read values from it.

> Am I barking up the wrong tree?  Apart
> from i-Buttons (can't think of any application that I have for them
> access control and that would be a bit of a leap of faith at the
> what else might I want from Dallas in a simple (lights and a few
> only - so far) HA setup?  Do I just put these devices on a CAT5 cable
or do
> they need to be built into a circuit?

Normally you have to wire 1-wire buses in 1 run, but it is possible to run
the bus in a star configuration, either by using a 1-wire hub (which the
Projects group is working on), or there are things you can do to use a star
config without a hub (see Mike Griffiths' post in the archive from May 11
more details)

CAT5 is ideal to use for your 1-wire bus.

I'm planning to have access to the house & garage by iButtons, also
lighting and volume etc on the TV/Stereo with another iButton point in the
living room, also it would choose music depending on who was in the house.
want to control the temperature with the DS1820's & a mod to my central
heating similar (well, the same actually) as the one Keith demonstrates on
his website (replave the central heating timer with an X10 appliance unit.)

(o o)
Stuart Grimshaw          sg@xxxxxxx
Special Projects Developer                            t: 07976 625221
Schoolsnet LTD             .oooO  Oooo.               f: 0870 7060260
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