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[OT} plumbing question (was corgi)

The mention of plumbers reminded me of something I've been trying t
find out about for ages :-)

Does anyone know how easy (or hard) it is t  convert a heating/water
system from a single feed t  dual feed (my terminology's probably way
wrong here).

At the moment the pump feeds both the heating and hot water tank, so I
can't have only heating or, more importantly in summer, only hot water.
As far as I understand from the little I've found on the net, I need a 3
way valve where the heating and hot water feeds T off, but I don't know
if this is an "easy" DIY job, or if I should get a plumber in.

Of course I should have done this months ag  before the summer weather,
but you know how it is.... <g>

If anybody's done this before, any info would be appreciated,

David P.

David_Paterson =3D david.paterson@xxxxxxx =A6 david.paterson@vissci.=

Senior R & D programmer    There are three kinds of people in the world
Visual Sciences Ltd.        those who can count, and those who can't...

  • References:
    • corgi
      • From: "steve" <steve@xxxxxxx>
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