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RE: iPaq

Title: RE: [ukha_d] iPaq
        I do pretty much exactly as Doogie has said below - use an iPAQ with 802.11 ,also tried Bluetooth but not working too well yet. I run ACE and HV and Comfort (& Homeseer)- all have inbuilt webservers. You then just connect wirelessly t them.
        You obviously need some hardware that can learn your IR codes and can send them t all the devices you would want t point a Pronto at.
        You need t be a bit adept at asp and web page layout to make it all look nice on the iPAQ's restricted display - I'm battling with this at the moment.
        The iPAQ isn't quite as polished as the Pronto as a remote control device. (because it was not designed t be this). IE the screen software setup, linking and speed d suffer as everything has t be served from a web server. On the plus side though it is two way (IMO what the Pronto Plus >should< have had at that price) so you can display Caller ID - status etc on your iPAQ. And it looks much nicer although when you attach a jacket it becomes much more klunky. Battery life is also nowhere near as good.
        I do use a Pronto as well for some things it is just a better solution but the iPAQ is going t be the main focus for the remote controller.
        If you do want t do a deal around a Pronto for iPAQ swap let me know - I might know someone interested.


Get a PC Card dress for your iPAQ (I know they're called jackets :-) -
possibly the dual one, which is 170 quid
Get a wireless lan pc card for your iPAQ
Connect this to your home network, either by a wireless lan in the back of a
server PC or a proper wireless access point connected t your network
Now your iPAQ can connect to your home network

Buy/ already own HomeVision - if you win one of these all the better :-)
Run AFAICR ACE, the web server for HomeVision

Have your iPAQ connect to your local webserver over wlan, press buttons
which then send the signal back t the web server, back t the HomeVision,
which the HV then changes int IR and goes to your HC component........!

I think that's everything........ As I've said, I don't do this as I don't
have a HV, and can't currently justify buying one (queue enslaught of "you
really should buy an HV" type posts ;->) and I don't have a dress for my
paq, so don't run wireless lan etc. although it is on the shopping list. At
least I'd be able t use connection sharing t have live internet access
from the loo!


What I really want is a nice phone with bluetooth, with a footprint similar
t the motorola v50 and a clamshell design/ very low SAR rating as I get
_BAD_ headaches from phones with high SAR ratings, which pretty much
discounts the new Ericsson T39, as the T28 which the design is based on has
1.4 SAR.....!!!! (my current v3690 has a SAR of 0.02!)

Then I'll be able t buy a dual slot PC card thingmy for my iPAQ, a
bluetooth card for it, and I'll have wireless internet access wherever I go.

I've spoken t Motorola and they've said although the v66 will have GPRS, it
wont have bluetooth..... maybe Samsung will come out with a one which does
the trick.




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  • References:
    • RE: iPaq
      • From: "Doogie Brodie" <doogiebrodie@xxxxxxx>
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