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Re: This mail group

Title: Re: [ukha_d] This mail group
        Having mulled this over my view is that we shouldn't end up with two segmented lists/groups but try and incorporate the various usages within the existing list.
        I think we should all get better at using, and modifying thread headers and that we not have a multitude of OT varieties that confuse. Perhaps just OT and just something like CC for chit chat - that way filters are very easy to set up. If we edit headers promptly 'to suit' then we would be able to keep most happy, file the CC's for an appropriate later time (some will use the wastebasket for this) - we could add this to a regular FAQ posting. (or group desc). People bothered by the quantity of messages maybe better with the digest - I don't suppose we could offer a filtered digest for people ???? (Someone/thing copy all messages except CC and OT to a new digest)
        I do think that the events here have already made the CC'ers much more aware of the after effects, and that when the circumstances arise again (and I hope they do) that a more appropriate mechanism could be used eg MSN etc. It's fairly obvious when a chat style is evolving - even when you're p****d. Just don't say anything HA related on MSN guys - we all want t hear that stuff.
        Lastly - just a repeat of the Q I asked earlier - does anyones mail client correctly thread this stuff ? I assume by the previous lack of replies the answer is no. ?? This in itself and the fact that Yahoo groups doesn't thread fully is a significant cause of a lot of this problem.


 PS Maybe we should have OT for ON Topic ?? then to outsiders we would have a very focussed appearance ;)

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