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Re: Ot1-Noise:C ntent Ratio

visual basic???????!!!!!!!!!!!

ok I run a dedicated linux server providing generic file&print, dns,
dhcp, mp3 stream, imap mail, web, ftp etc etc etc .... a dedicated linux
based firewall/router ...... a win98 box [for games] ....... and a linux
workstation [MDK 8.0] for the bulk of my work, including virtual
machines running slackware 7.1, openBSD 2.9, freeBSD 4.3 and a fwuknet
devel box ---- where do I use VB t  aid email?

no thanks, I'll stick with standards based system that support
everything I need without having to compromise the way I work.

Lee Edward Causier wrote:

> Dear Jenni,
> 	I agree with your statemnet there. I see what you mean about Paul
> amd Phil Harris. I suppose my "Ot system was a little OTT but I
was only
> trying to help since someone said they felt that newbies would be a
> overwhelmed. I thought perhaps we could use some visual basic code in
> Application.SendMail (i think) event t  show a dialog about what t pic
if it
> was a discussion address.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Lee Edward Causier.

Calum Morrell
The Morrell Group
Tel : 0709 214 1538
Fax : 0870 131 5408

"For as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any
conditions be brought under English rule. It is not for glory, nor riches,
nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which
no honest man gives up but with life itself." From The Declaration of
Arbroath 1320.

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