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RE: Node 0

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Node 0
  • From: "Lee Edward Causier" <LeeCausier@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2001 16:07:46 +0100
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

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Dear Brian,
Why don't you use a cable tray along the center of your roof from gable t
gable, with a run down the side(s) of your house in external grade
Then remove your skirting board/base board and replace with special wide,
round edged trunking (also available from R.S. Components) t  put your
cabling in. You could also use Dado-level trunking (yet again, R.S.
C mponents show the way) to run your main cables t  a patch panel in a rack
on the wall. Connect t  a hub/switch and any adsl routers/bridges, Wireless
access points etc. Install your sockets whereever you feel best. Many happy

Lee Edward Causier,
Enzyme Systems.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian G. Reynolds [mailto:brian.g.reynolds@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 01 July 2001 15:53
To: UKHA Group
Subject: [ukha_d] Node 0


Big question this, I am at last going t  lay the first CAT5 cable! but I
need some advise as t  what t  fit where, I have 3 PC with the following
hardware fitted,

W2K Server.
1.2GHz CPU
ATI AIW Radeon DDR AGP graphics card with 32MB RAM
2x Network cards, 1 for the network and 1 for the cable modem. NTL.
56K internal modem
7x comm. ports
Built in sound card
Web Server running
Winfax Pro/Talkworks Pro Answer phone/fax

W2K Workstation
333MHz CPU
Creative Labs Riva TNT AGP Graphics Card 16MB RAM
1x Network card
56K internal modem
2x comm. ports
Creative labs SB Live Value sound card

W98 133MHz pc with a QUAD! speed CD-ROM and a burner fitted, 120MB RAM(?)
28K internal Phone Blaster modem/sound card (6 years old?)
I think about 2GB HDD
and not a lot more.

At the moment I have,
HV plus expansion card,
ASEL Video switcher for CCTV cameras,
2x 24 port HP ProCurve Switches
Belkin Omniview KVM switch
Phone System
A cabinet being delivered next week t  put the lot in.

The question, how would you lot install this kit. I want the server running
24/7 so I presume it will be better installed at Node0? should I use the
1.2GHz server for this or should I use the 333MHz jobby and install it as a
server? if I use the 333 should I put the AIW graphics card int  this and
have the CCTV cameras feed int  this for display on my web server which I
will also have t  install.

I have got an office/bedroom here but I found when I had the server in
I virtually lived in there, so now I have all this kit in the living room
(no SWMBO) but at 44 years old I think it is about time I had a home
of just a house (brooding).

I have no problem chopping and changing this kit but envisage having a pc t
access everything in the living room, so I presume the 1.2GHz PC will be
best for this?

I want t  start right, well as right as these things get!

I want t  eventually get Comfort, a few more CCTV's and piped sound and
vision around my little empire, I'll miss out the home cinema as I will
never be that rich (Phil?) obviously this will not be accomplished over
night but I want t  start.




PS, Phil come over and advise me!!!!!

Automated Home UK

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