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Re: Projectors

> > Are you wanting 16:9 or 4:3?
> 16:9 definatly.

This will increase your cost by a large amount, at least in terms of LCD
projectors as the only true 16:9 LCD is the Sony which is around 5K i think

Others have 16:9 odes which just drop lines, not true 16:9

However don't let that put you off As I have setup LCD projectors(non 16:9)
in my house and watched them projected onto a screen/wall and it is
tremendous !!!

> > How much are you looking to spend?
> Unfortunatly, I think this will be what kills her interest altogether,
> I'll hide the cost till she's hooked :-)

LCD projectors can be got from 1K up, obviously as with everything (except
EPODS) the more you spend the better it gets.

My plan is to buy one, Ultimately one of the Sony's, but until then maybe
one up to 2K.

Until then I in a good position as my work has 2 Projectors which I look
after and can borrow whenever I need them, so my first job is to get a nice


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