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Re: [EPODS] Development - FIXED!!!!

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [EPODS] Development - FIXED!!!!
  • From: "vince" <vince@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 19:08:09 +0000
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


Here's my ideas on this.

Server app (called "Client Services for Homeseer" or CSHS)
1) Connects to HS by DCOM - So we can call all HS's exported functions.
2) Exports it's own functions to DCOM - scripts in HS can then drive it.
3) Sockets interface - it would be nice to implement ACE's api as this
would allow ACE server to interface with HS. Dan what do you think?
4) RS232 interface - so I can drive my Leopard touch screen.

Client app (HSePods)
1) Socket connection to CSHS or ACE?
2) Serial connection to CSHS
3) Dumb - can call HS functions or it can be called.
eg. press a button on ePods calls "hs.whatever" or HS script
calls "CSHS.ePodspage = (1,2)" then on ePod 1 changed displayed
page to
page 2

That's it for now need to go home!


PS. Also see comments below.

> Vince,
> Nice n simple  - I already have an app that talks to Homeseer so I can
> incorporate that into the WSOCK app on the PC side...
> I've been having a think about this and this is what I've come up with
> 1. Server side app polls Homeseer once every 2-3 seconds and stores
> data
> in its memory (arrays??) unless a specific command is received from
> EPODS (on/off/brite/dim etc)

Polling not needed if HS scripts can access it.

> 2. EPODS polls the server every 4-5 seconds to get status of changed
> items
> unless it sends an on/off/bright/dim. If a command is sent then all
> changed data is refreshed.

Again polling not needed if scripts send it the data.

> 3. The icons/images should be stored locally (storage card) on the
> epods
> to reduce dataflow. It sohuld be pretty easy to update them using
> active
> sync other the network.

Stored on the server and cached on the client?

> 4. Security shouldn't be an issue with wireless encryption. (probably
> should use 128 bit)
> The  times about are rough - I haven't tested to see what effect this
> would have on the server (load) but it's done like this because you
> well have more than 1 epods on the network!!  :-))
> The WSOCK app seems to send data in blocks of 8192 bytes which should
> be
> more than enough to hold all the info needed (unless you want text
> strings
> sent)
> It seems to work out at about 8192 bytes /5sec with a serial cable PPP
> link so this should improve when going wireless.
> A.

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