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Farewell, RedHotAnt (so looking for a replacement.)

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Farewell, RedHotAnt (so looking for a replacement.)
  • From: "Mark Harrison" <Mark_Harrison_UK@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 09:47:44 -0000
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

As you'll see from the below, RHA is no longer offering freephone
access and is not able to talk to me because "the resources no longer
exist for us to enter into one to one correspondance with individual

Can anyone recommend a replacement ISP. I need toll-free 24x7,
because both of us work from home from time to time, but don't need a
full 24 hour service everyday???



---Original Message-----
From: importantupdate@xxxxxxx
Sent: 15 January 2001 19:33
To: Mary.Harrison@xxxxxxx
Subject: Important RedHotAnt Announcement

RedHotAnt - Suspension of un-metered service

The recent fall out within the technology sector, has meant that it
been impossible to secure the necessary funding to continue operating
the RedHotAnt un-metered service. We have been in talks with a number
of third parties, but as yet, no company has been interested in
on the liabilities associated with RedHotAnt. If this situation
details will be posted on the RedHotAnt website.

Under the circumstances, our existing telecom provider has given
notice that the free phone telephone numbers on which RedHotAnt
operates will be withdrawn as of 16th January 2001. In the interests
of our current users, it has been agreed that existing facilities
such as e-mail and domain hosting etc. will continue to run, however
utilising a standard 0845 local rate call number.

In order to continue to access the internet without interruption,
users will need to change their existing dial up number to 0845 300
3410. Instructions of how to do so can be found on line at

Regrettably, voice based technical support is no longer available and
RedHotAnt is not in a financial position to consider the question of
refunds or compensation. If this situation changes, details will be
posted on the RedHotAnt website and on the automatic voice mail

Meanwhile, the resources no longer exist for us to enter into one to
one correspondance with individual customers.

Finally, we would like to apologise to those users who have not had
the opportunity to make profitable use of the service.

The Management

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