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Re: Plus.Net NAT problems?

No, I don't have this problem. While I don't have 2 machines gaming at the
same time, I do do things like set Linux off downloading something then go
for a quick blast on Counterstrike or TFC. I can't say that I've noticed
any drop in performance.

The best place to try is one of the ADSL newsgroups, no disrespect to
Plusnet but their tech support staff won't have a clue. They'll just phone
BT. I've been down the route of trying to get Plusnet to sort an ADSL
problem. One tip is make sure you always speak to the same guy.

On 2001.01.15 09:44:59 +0000 Ian Lowe wrote:
> I am having increidble problems with using NAT on Plus.NET It works,
> that any machine can connect out and get the full bandwidth, however,
> as soon as more than one host is talking, the bandwidth absolutely
> floors.
> As an example, using that tried and tested network testing tool,
> Tournament... If I am playing online, I get a ping of about 130ms. If,
> however, my wife starts playing as well, both of our pings rise to
> around the 3000ms mark. even popping open a web page when someone else
> is playing causes spikes of >1000ms ping.
> This doesn't happen on BT Internet, or even on Freeswerve. I have
> mailed support, but I am wondering if any of you guys on Plus.NET have
> encountered this problem? and more importantly, found a solution?
> As an aside, I have tried this with both Winroute PRO, and Windows
> RRAS with NAT, with exactly the same result.
> Ian.
> =====
> >+++
> Ian R Lowe. Director, Wintermute Consultancy Ltd.
> e-mail: ian@xxxxxxx
> Onward and Upward! Towards Ascension!
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