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Re: URGENT : Ideas Wanted

On Fri, 05 Jan 2001 19:09:52 -0000 (GMT), you wrote:

>How much would a non-identification system be useful?  I'm thinking
>of a method which should work well where people aren't moving around
>and triggering PIRs- but it doesn't differentiate between people.

It's probably more useful than an identifying system really, unless you
can think of lots of extra stuff you can do based on who's where.

There's quite a few different occupancy sensing options, and although
PIR's in their basic form aren't a complete answer, with some added
intelligence they should be able to give pretty accurate monitoring.
Maybe a bit easier in my case since I live on my own, but probably
reasonably good even for largish families.

>Personally, I'd rather not have a biometric or badge system, at
>least until it can treat any possible visitor fairly too without them
>having to be 'tagged'.

My thoughts too.  Any system I install has to be flexible and foolproof,
so I'm not keen on the badge / tag idea.

Other ideas for occupancy sensing are based on technologies like
ultrasonics, video cameras and the "Bik" RF field idea (no longer
produced commercially, but the technology is available).

Personally I see occupancy sensing and monitoring as one of the most
important parts of an automation system - the main way to ensure
delivery of the proper services in the right place at the right time.

OK - that's enough ranting from me (I seem to be doing a lot of it these
days :-)

David P.

David_Paterson =3D david.paterson@xxxxxxx =A6 david.paterson@vissci.=

R & D programmer        There are three kinds of people in the world -
Visual Sciences Ltd.      those who can count, and those who can't...

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