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Re: A couple of questions about CM12U

>1. Is the CM12U the best (only?) way to send/receive X10 commands from
a PC?

It's not the only way, I think Laser ( ) have a small unit
that plugs into a 25 way serial port that you can just read and write to
but I would say that the CM12U is probably the simplest, plug and play
method (without of course spending a fortune!) The advantage of the CM12U
over many units is that it has 'automatic' collision detection.. which even
with Homevision (expensive) doesn't have because of the powerline interface
it uses... and to be honest I think that Homevision shoud be able to use
the CM12U instead!

>2. I'm thinking about coding something in VB to control everything via
the Homeseer ActiveX control. Are there any obvious known problems with
this set-up? I'm quite happy >to have an old PC running 24/7.

Nope, this is in fact how I started out... just remember to remove the
batteries from the CM12U (or don't put any in!)

3. If I use a wireless remote can I pick up commands on the PC (to keep
up-to-date status information)?

Yes, but you'll need a tranceiver unit too. I think it's the TM12U - but
double check. The Keware activex will signal (event) when it gets an X10

>Sorry if these questions seem a bit odd, but if I'm going to spend some
money (always something to try and avoid ;-)) I'd like to know.

Nothing odd about them.... just some nice simple questions that I can
answer ;-)


[Who's got the epods who who who who... sorry again...]

--- Tag-it! v2.0 (c) Andy Powell ,1998,1999,2000...and beyond..

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