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RE: Sky Installation / UHF boosters

Thanks for this
I am lucky enough to not need a booster at home, just wanted to check my thinking before I went over there tonight and became the "Son in law from heaven" (who fixes it) and not the one from hell :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Hawes,Timothy Edward (GEG) [mailto:haweste@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 20 December 2001 12:34
To: 'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Sky Installation / UHF boosters


I'm doing a similar thing and my box certainly hasn't "blown up".

I installed my dish & digibox myself (BBC / freebie channels only though).
I've connected the aerial to an existing splitter / booster in the loft (I
assume it's a booster, it was already in the house when I moved in, and it
takes a power feed) and then dropped a new CT100 feed to the lounge. This
goes into the aerial socket on the back of the digibox. The dish connects to
the digibox via an unbroken CT100 feed.

My digibox is an older Panasonic TU-DSB30 with standard minidish. I don't
recall seeing a name on the terrestrial aerial booster, it takes one aerial
feed & splits / boosts to two outputs. Signal gain is not adjustable. I
presume the booster works and does indeed boost the signal but I haven't
specifically checked - the way the power feed is wired doesn't make it easy
to check. I've no reason to think it's failed though.


(newbie, rapidly trying to understand what everyone else is talking about)

-----Original Message-----
From: James, Daniel

Morning all

My father in law had sky "installed" yesterday. And the installation chap
removed their UHF booster from the TV aerial, as he said it would "blow up"
the sky box. 

Now this was news to me. Is their any reason why he cannot have a booster on
his TV aerial, and then running the RF chain through the sky box and video?
(snowy picture without it!)

anyone have any thoughts on this?

Also his booster is in the lounge, and there is a single aerial cable coming
from the loft distributor to the lounge, if we remove the booster from this,
the other TVs (which are fed from the splitter in the loft) don't get a good
signal. - has anyone come across this? Tis a new one on me (I would have
thought the booster should be in the loft before the splitter?)




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