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Re: 'Ello

----- Original Message -----
From: "Des Gibbons" <des@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 12:40 AM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] 'Ello

> Welcome to the list Graham!

Thanks very much :)

> Do not take today as a typical day, over 150+ messages a day isn't the
> just every now and then ;)

Fair enough.  All to the good though - most of the stuff I've seen so far
will probably benefit me further down the line.

> For most of what you want, Cat5 will be perfect, audio, PC,
> S-Video( ), alarm signalling, 1-wire network, etc etc. The
> problem is working out how much and where.

Much as I imagined.  However, I wasn't aware I could easily transmit audio
to elaborate ?

> You may also need screened multicore for the alarm system, but the
> for the alarm system should be designed for the alarm system, you
won't be
> moving PIR's and magnetic sensors around ;)

Okey doke - that was really an afterthought anyway, ie something *else* I
could do to extend the whole-house scenario.  My flat is on the 2nd &
floors (top floors) and has only one (easy) point of entry - the front
which is a half doubleglazed thing with no handle, only a keyhole, on the
outside.  The only major benefit I can see from an alarm system at present
is the impact on my insurance.  However, I've not been burgled, so I guess
it's probably best to be pre-emptive on this :-)  A separate plan for the
alarm is in order methinks.

> As far as the control of lighting/heating and other appliances, you
> X-10 which is cheap-ish and reliable-ish ;) or a hardwired system e.g

I think it's going to have to be X10, bearing in mind I'm in a leasehold
flat.  I've no problems expending the effort for network and tv and so
forth, but bearing in mind the relative costs of X10 vs hardwired, it's
probably not worth it in a retrofitting scenario like this (IMHO of
I've also had a look at Homeseer and the appeal of a PC based control
solution (especially considering I have a permanent internet connection
(ADSL)) is quite strong.

> Have a look at Mark McCall's site which
> should give you a headstart.

Where do you think I got this list's address from :-)  That was the site
that finally convinced me to go ahead and get my backside in gear to do

So, questions then :

As above, how can I easily transmit audio from a source to speakers over
Are there any more "discreet" X10 units available than those
clunky socket
interfaces that I've seen on various sites, ie something that could be
buried in the wall between cable and socket
For cable TV, I'm assuming I'll need a separate receiver for each location
want to be independent?  IE I don't want to be restricted to what is on in
the lounge if I'm watching in bed.

Ta for the help so far.


  • Follow-Ups:
    • Re: 'Ello
      • From: "Graham Butler" <graham@xxxxxxx>
  • References:
    • RE: 'Ello
      • From: "Des Gibbons" <des@xxxxxxx>
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