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Re: [OT] Wacky!

> Do you feel the same way about trains?

Yes, but you don't see them very often.  They stick to stations and tracks
between them, rather than whizzing overhead whilst you're shopping.

> I don't see this as a REPLACEMENT for cars, buses, taxis, trams and
> trains, but as an alternative.
> Total
> 88 minutes - yeah, about an hour 20 feels right!
> I'm guessing that a "skyrail" system would only be
commercially viable
> in the "Central London" part of the journey.

In my experience, Central london has the best transport system already.
Tubes are (generally) quick and plentiful, buses are everywhere, and a fare
in Zone 1 is never more than £1.50.  Compared to Bristol ... the only
transport is the bus.  I can't think of a route more frequent than 8
minutes, and they rarely keep to that.  All services go via the 'centre'
which means that if you want to go from north-west Bristol to north-east
Bristol, you have to go into the (busy) centre and come out again.  You'll
also be catching 2 buses to get there, which means more money.

For me to do the 15 minute drive to the station via bus, I need £1.30 in my
pocket *each*way*.  It also takes 45-60 minutes in the evening (similar to
how long it takes to walk).  The problem is, we need more services but we
need them cheaper.  I know it's possible as on one route in east Bristol,
there are two rival firms.  They have got down to £1.30 for a single trip
which is amazing considering it's almost 10 miles compared to the 2 from my
flat.  It's actually cheaper than driving, and due to the bus lanes takes
about the same time.

> Say it could bring down the "waiting for bus" from 10
minutes to 3, and
> "on the bus" from 15 to 10 that would save 12 minutes a
> 12 minutes a day is 24 minutes a day, or 2 hours a week, or 100 hours
> year (two working weeks!)
> I'd pay an extra couple of hundred quid a year on my season ticket for
> that! After all, I already pay just over THREE GRAND for it!

That's the point.  3 grand to get to work.  I travel 60 miles a day to
yet a whole year of commuting costs me a few hundred less than that ... and
that *includes* buying the car!  As a bonus, it's also quicker and I can
it at weekends.

Quick breakdown of costs:

£1320 for petrol
£105 for tax
£550 for insurance
£400 for the car
£300 for repairs/MOT

TOTAL:  £2675

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