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Re: OT: IP Address & Firewall

In a recent search by an FBI operative, Demon (UK) where said to be the
co operative, and some ISP in Kenya was said to be the least co operative.

I think it is becuase Demon was setup by an actual guy, and they still hold
some of his initial rules, or whatever, so they deal with stuff like this.


PS You could always sit a little program listening to popular ports, and
then one hit, port scan them, and have the program report which ports where
open, I had made one of these a while ago, but lost by accident, i was too
quick with the delete key....

Most of these kids, just run anything they download from the net which is
said to be a trojan "client" but alot of the download sites taint
"client"'s and ad a trojan to em.
You might get lucky and be able to remote control the attackers PC ;)

Now THAT would be fun.

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