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Re: Re: X10 central heating control

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 20:44:39 +0000, you wrote:

>Err... if the house has no power, how would the boiler ignition and/or
>timer/and or pump work?? - do you have one that has a battery backup?
all of
>the one's I've seen require a local connection to the mains to keep
>functioning, so in the event of a house-wide power loss, there'd be no
>working boiler anyway...   (or am I missing something?)

True, you couldn't run the system if there was no power, but I think he
meant the case where the power comes back on and the computer doesn't
reboot properly or something.  Then you'd have no heating on even though
it could work.

My plan is to leave the controller in place (which does have a backup
battery in it) and put the computerised control in parallel with it.

I can set the timer to be sure the house doesn't freeze and use the
computer to do the main control of the system, or vice versa, or
anything in between.

I'm not sure about the "on all the time" mode suggested though. 
If you
have a computer failure that could end up being expensive!

David P.

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