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Re: Controllers for Dallas 1-wire network

Ooo yeah, ditto that :-)
My 1-wire HA development has never really got off the ground, I need something to spur me into action :-)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Controllers for Dallas 1-wire network

I'm still waiting for my Tini to arrive to have a play, and I suspect there are a few others on the list in the same position, but if you could release your code for us to have a look at, I for one would be very appreciative.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ian Oliver
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Controllers for Dallas 1-wire network
I have lashings of code you can have for free to see how to handle this
stuff BUT, 1) I wrote it as I learned Java, 2) I haven't ported to the
latest SDK and don't know what this would involve.

I set 1-wire PIOs to alarm on activity so can poll all of them with one
command. I then have classes to let you register actions and generally
respond in clever ways to buttons being pushed/held/etc.


Ian Oliver
Sunny Leeds, UK
Using Java on Tini for control via Dallas 1-wire

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