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Fw: Understanding Comfort...

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Fw: Understanding Comfort...
  • From: "Gareth Cook" <gcook@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 18:49:30 +0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

OK done the zone list (shall we take this offline ??)

Everything up to the point where you mention "try entering in response
- then blank on my part im afraid - im loath to bugger about with it in
theveening in case the system goes off.. :-)

OneZone resposne at all times ? Dont think I follow you on that one...

Im sure programming comfort is easy - once you have the logic of it in your
head. And thats my learning curve.


Front Door
Type 2
Entry Path On
Response On 248
Response Off 0

Hall Movement
Type 18
Entry Path On
Response On 250
Response Off 0

Back Door
Type 2
Entry Path On
Response On 248
Response Off 0

Living Room Movement
Type 5
Entry Path On
Response On 54
Response Off 0


Upstairs Landing Sensor
Type 18
Entry Path Off
Response On 0
Response Off 0

Fire Smoke Alert
Type 23
Entry Path Off
Response On 0
Response Off 0

all remaining zones to 16 off

----- Forwarded by Gareth Cook/UK/IBM on 05/12/2001 18:45 -----


I am assuming that everything is wired up OK and you have each PIR on a
zone. Bit of a leap I know but it seems that your biggest problems happen
when you have responses to certain events.
The opening of your back door having an impact means that it is programmed
as an entry/exit door and is most likely another zone (what about your
front door?).
Your Back door / lights on problem is most likely that the back door entry
zone response is set up incorrectly.

Steve Cooper is right, you can send some of us your CSX file and we can
have a look at it but I also think it is worthwhile if you have a bash
yourself at it.

Therefore your homework for tonight is as follows;
Start off by checking all your zones and what responses occur when they are
Go into the Engineer menu (you must activate it first (Menu 7,4,? when
logged on as user 1).

Select the zone menu
select each Zone and write down what the nice lady says.
Description consisting of up to 4 words: eg: Hall Movement
Zone Type: (should give you a number)
Entry Path: 1=yes 0=No
On Zone Response: (A Number corresponding to a response or Zero for no
Off Zone Response: (A Number corresponding to a response or Zero for no

Do this for all you 8 zones and lets see what you get.

The most common zone type is 5 which (see Table 8 in Work Actions book)
triggers the alarm if they are activated during Night Mode or Away Mode. On
Zone Response occurs at ALL TIMES, not just when the alarm is activated.
Try entering in response 59 as an on zone response. This should announce
the zone name from the keypad. (Changing anything in the zone settings
requires a reset I think). You can then walk about and have comfort pester
the life out of you by saying "Hall Movement, Hall Movement".

Have a go (but always with a pen and piece of paper) as it is really not
that hard to set up a simple alarm with X10 support.

The incentive is to get your homework done before the footy starts tonight

Have Fun!


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