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Re: (OT) Three unrelated questions

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 8:08 PM
Subject: [ukha_d] (OT) Three unrelated questions

Sorry to trouble you folks, can anybody help with following:
Easy one:
Where is #UKHA?  I've been using it but in my eagerness to swap IRC
spoftware I installed a xchat and deleted Mirc, but forgot to take down the
details for UKHA.  (Blush)
Not so easy:
Using ISDN & BT Speedway (not sure if these are important facts.)  Just
recently W98 has started hanging.  Only evidence is something is transferring
at the time (mail or web pages).  Never, ever had a problem until about a month
ago. Any suggestions where to look?   I've tried Microsoft knowledge db, hoping
it was DUN but could not find anything.
Now I've got HA sw running machine stays up for most of day, but if I leave it on
for 5-6 hrs I have probs with using internet.  Dialler will connect, but cant find
any web pages, mail server etc.  A reboot fixes it. 
Many thanks for any help or pointers.  Last one is the real pain.
regards, robin

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