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Re: DDAR, ARF ARF 2...[Answer]

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: DDAR, ARF ARF 2...[Answer]
  • From: "Andy Powell" <ukha@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 13:22:19 -0000
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


so no one knew or cares :-( ... but I think I've managed it (although
can't test the final result just yet.. anyhow here are the steps I've
performed so far:

Tools needed: WinRAR, tar (msdos)

1. Use WinRAR un uncompress the receiver.diff.arf.gz file
2. Rename the resultant receiver.diff.arf file to receiver.diff.TAR
3. Use WinRAR to uncompress the receiver.diff.TAR file
4. Backup (DO THIS PLEASE!!!) the receiver.arf file from the DELL
Audio Receiver directory
5. Rename the receiver.arf file to receiver.TAR
6. Use WinRAR to uncompress the receiver.diff.TAR file
7. Copy the files and direcotries from step 3 to where the files from
step 6 are.
8. Use TAR to recompress the files/dirs into a new archive .eg.
9. Rename the myreceiver.TAR file to receiver.arf

[these folloing steps have not yet been performed by me (waiting for
DDAR arrival)

10. Reboot the DDAR.
11. Pray
12. If all goes well then use:

http://<ip-address of receiver>/receiver.html

from your PC and you should be able to control and view your DDAR
remotely. Use Terminal services and you could run it on your
EPODS/Ipaq etc :-)))

13. If any problems occur after DDAR reboot you can replace the newly
created receiver.arf file with the original backed up version.


--- In ukha_d@y..., "Andy Powell" <ukha@b...> wrote:
> Ok,
> has anyone (under windows) installed the displayserver hack? I've
> read what little instructions there are and...well - I haven't got
> clue.... has somone (using Linux) built the appropriate .arf file??
> below is the text from the readme - as you can see it assumes a
lot -
> like you know what he's talking about for a start!
> "This is displayserver for the rio receiver.
> unzip the receiver.diff.arf.tgz file and add the files to the
> original receiver.arf file. Do not use winzip to do this; device-
> files contained in the arf file will be lost...
> after installation open your webbrowser and point it to :
> http://<ip-address of receiver>/receiver.html
> Enjoy..."
> Andy

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