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Re: Re: (Mark ?)

> I am by no means Xenophobic, and really do consider myself to be part
of >
the global village.

And yet you persist in a view that traditional English Grammar is the only
"correct" usage?

> The fact remains though,that even intelligent Americans are generally
> very poor when it comes to grammar, and as the transatlantic flow
> to be one way, they are destroying the English language.

They may not be using the Grammar that you use for English, but calling
"destroying" the English Language is firmly rooted in the idea
that there is
such a thing as a universally correct English Grammar. The Grammar of a
particular language is an ever evolving aspect, just like vocabulary.

Not that this particularly matters. The main point is of course:

> Give me a good reason and I will.


You did not "ask Geraint" to make his posts easier to read. That
would have
involved a private email message to him, explaining your position.

Correction of Error in public is not correction, it's humiliation.

*that* is why you should apologise.


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