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Re: Wiring idea

> automation! The only other alternative (other than sharing a cable
> two applications) is to relocate the BT ISDN box to node zero. Is this
> something I could do myself or would I have to contact BT to do it?

I did it, but I'm not sure it was the right thing to do.

for one thing, my analog lines picked up a fair bit of hiss, and I suspect
that BT had to up the gain on the line (or something like that) because I
did get problems.

It's all about demarc points, and I suspect the HH demarc point is the
socket on the front of the box, in which case, moving it is a complete

That being said, the connector on the botom of your HH box, which goes to
the new Digital Access faceplate is a simple 6C6P RJ-series plug. I use an
RJ45-RJ45 coupler to link the existing cable at the BT end into my Home
Cabling, then use a custom RJ45-RJ-6C6P (what is that one?) at the other

It works fine, apart from the hiss (whcih, to be honest, may have been

close call. I would not do it again, and consider moving it back every now
and then.

ironically, I only moved it because I only have a single CAT-5 run from the
original location to Node Zero, and I wanted to route both analog +ISDN,
needing 3+3+4=10 conductors.

And that's one of the hardest runs in my house to do. (at least, it is now
after the walls are up!)


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