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Re: Home Video Server?

What sort of bandwidth would this take up over your LAN?
----- Original Message -----
To: ukha_d
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 12:08 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Home Video Server?

Ah ! but.....
For a Home Video SERVER, you dont need TV Out.
The playback machines would be the ones to use TV Out :-)
I have an ATI Rage Fury in my Jukebox PC, and an All In Wonder in my desktop PC but as a PR200 with 4 Gig hard drive its not upto the job of recording video.
I am going to head down this route myself later in the year.
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Miller [mailto:pmiller@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 12:01
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: RE: [ukha_d] Home Video Server?

Looked at doing the same thing myself, my research at my budget levels have led me to look at two cards.
The ATI all in wonder Radeon (circa £220), the Hauppauge PVR,
has composite\SVHS TV out
pause TV
Composite IN
TV Tuner
SW encoding
Hauppauge PVR:
pause TV
Composite IN
TV Tuner
HW MPEG2 encoding
Radio Tuner
Remote Control
The Hauppauge looks to suit the best BUT no TV out! aaarrrrggghhhhh....
also check out the WDM driver capability, as most software requires WDM drivers to function, limited support under VFW
I currently have a Hauppauge theatre something or other, plus a ATI AIW 128 although both capture fine with there native software neither does a watchable capture using the current PVR software I have tried.
My feeling is this is early days for this type of software and should be looked at again in 3-6 months...
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark McCall [mailto:mark@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 02 April 2001 11:39
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: [ukha_d] Home Video Server?

Have seen a few movies in DiVx format lately as well as using some of the PVR software I'm considering building some kind of TiVo type server.
Anyone got any experience of this?
Are there any video cards that do MPEG2 compression in hardware as well as having good quality TV tuner and TV out.
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