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Re: OS Holy Wars.

At 10:59 17/10/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Easier - definately not!

Not easier to configure (for someone with existing experience of Windows,
probably easier for the odd few who have cut their teeth on Unix!), just
easier to automate for long term benefit.  I should have made that clear.

>Better - for something, perhaps, but like I said before...I CAN'T run
>software I need to for my HA PC on Linux so it is NOT an option (unless
>run Windows under Linux as someone suggested which frankly is

It would currently be daft for you to run Linux.  No-one disagrees with
that (AFAIK).  However, even though it can't run the same software, it can
do most of the same _functions_ already (and the list is growing) and do
them more reliably, thanks to folk who spend time developing software
(usually because they need to use it rather than they need to sell it).

That latter point, the motivation of the programmers, can also improve
quality.  MS programmers seem to get their kicks from adding a few extra
Meg of 'Easter Eggs' with scrolling developers credits etc, Open Source
folk seem to take pride in reliable software, and well written source.

Give it a couple of years, then have another look.  And in the meantime,
there's nothing to lose by encouraging those who are developing software
and drivers for that platform, instead of criticising them for 'reinventing
the wheel'.  Their work costs you nothing and might well be to your
benefit, either because you use it in the future, or it provides the
competition needed for other software suppliers to improve their systems.

That doesn't just go for 'OS Wars', it goes for any HA development effort
(hardware, software, firmware, magazines, etc etc etc), and this list is in
a good position to encourage development and push it forward, rather than
try to choke it before it starts.


[1] Well, it can, but if you only need to run Windows stuff, it's best to
run it under Windows, rather than Wine, which is still a beta release of an
emulator[2].  And there's no point using vmware, unless you regularly need
to go between linux and Windows apps reliably

[2] Though actually, IME, some Windows software _is_ best run under a beta
version of an emulator rather than under Windows.  When the software is
horrendously buggy and crashes Windows, the emulator protects the whole PC
from going down, even when Windows wouldn't... but software that is _that_
bad is fortunately in the minority!

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