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Re: NT5 [you may know it as Windows 2000]

At 17:26 16/10/00 +0100, you wrote:
>But HS would not have been developed as a Windows app if Windows was
>the prevailing OS that 90% of people used.

Absolutely true.  I don't deny that at all.  And it remains popular
because, as I said:

> > Secondly, because product quality is almost completely unrelated
to market
> > share.
>True.  There a many other factors, price for example.   Although with
>being "free" and "better" it's amazing it's not on
90% of PCs :-)

It needs thinking about, and most home computer users prefer to avoid
thought where possible.  So it's not free in that sense, it needs time to
get used to (I remember Win 95 needed some getting used to, just coming
from 3.1).  And it's only 'better' in terms of quality, reliability,
configurability.  It's worse at glitziness,
and, for most people, being-pre-installed-when-you-buy-the-computer.

>So when Linux becomes as "idiot proof" as Windows will it
start to bite into
>its sales???

It already has.  Mainly in the server market, where folk see the advantages
over NT, but moving into desktop stuff as the applications become
available.  As for 'idiot proof', hopefully for the forseeable future
idiots will continue to stick to Windows, as they are quite a difficult and
unproductive group to support...


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