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OS Holy Wars.

I never will understand what people are prepared to put up with in Linux,
just to thumb their nose at Bill Gates and Co!

I have had incredibly stable NT Installs, both on servers and desktops. In
each and every case, I have found that building on HCL approved hardware,
and locking down a well tested standard build provides a reliable system.

My NT Workstation at work has not suffered a single crash in many months,
my last work ( a serious NT house: over sixty Quad Proc Proliant Servers)
server crashes were sufficiently rare that we did a full dumpexam debug on
every one (about once a quarter).

My problem with Linux is that the exact opposite is true. If you have good
brand, current kit, you are less likely to work than if you have some
wack-ball bit of kit from 1990.

Installing Red Hat 6 was a nightmare for me, requiring ten seperate
to install, each crashing at a different point, or wrapping myself in
My Voodoo3 2K was repeatedly detected as some old C&T card which caused
machine to lock-up, my CD-Drive (a sony)caused the machine to lock-up when
enumerating IDE devices, I had to make a copy of the original CD before it
would install right the way through.

Basically, I find the whole picture to be unconvincing: with Linux, you are
at the mercy of someone's hobby. There is no leverage or pressure
you can apply to push for support to be implemented. The whole open source
thing is unconvincing also: Within an MS OS, if somehting does not work, I
am unable to fix it and I rely on the vendor. With Linux, >in theory<
I can
look at the source and fix it, however, I personally cannot program in C,
I can NOT fix bugs myself. The fact that some other guys >can< do
doesn't mean diddly-squit to me, if he chooses not to.... in effect, I am
>still< at the mercy of the vendor/author.

Don't get me wrong, I would dearly like to have a viable alternative to
Microsoft, but in my experience, neither BeOS, Solaris or Linux are able to
provide the facilities I need.


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