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Re: Computer Vision

Tried this out on windows and the face recognition can tell the
difference between my face a yellow lighter and a green lighter (well
I had to test it on something hehe). Problem is that the example
application doesn't seem to have the concept of a seems
to go for the best match even if that is lousy.

Anyone feel like letting their PC open the front door based on this
technology ? Not me but I guess it could be fun for a non essential
access system.


On Fri, 06 Oct 2000 11:53:28 +0100, you wrote:

> has a very interesting article/tutorial on
>See it here :
>Basically, the story tells us that Intel have released their computer
>vision API under a BSD type license. and then goes on to give a brief
>tutorial. Don't worry Windows users, the tutorial is for Linux, but the
>software is also available for Windows.
>Reading the article immediately set me thinking, this isn't just
>sensing, it's computer vision, getting your computer to see and react
>visual stimulae. The API comes with over 100 functions implementing the
>full set of the most common algorythms used in CV, so most of the hard
>is done for you.
>The HA applications for this are daunting, and breathtaking at the same
>time. Here are a few I have come up with in the past few minutes :
>         * Open the garage doors when it sees your registration pull on
>the drive.
>                 Easy to fool in it's simplest form, but how cool would
>be to show your mates :-)
>         * Open the front door when it see's your face.
>                 You could add thumbprints for extra security.
>         * Controll the TV/HiFi/DVD player with hand gestures.
>         * It could tell you who is in each room, in true Star Trek
>and probably many more by the time this email gets to the list.
>I only wish I had the time & hardware to look at it properly. I
have a
>capture board, but I haven't got it working under Linux, and I think
>camera I have would be high enough quality to do the job :-(
>                                     ,,,
>                                    (o o)
>Stuart Grimshaw                                             sg@xxxxxxx
>Special Projects Developer               t: 07976
>Schoolsnet LTD                 .oooO  Oooo.                   f: 0870
>===============================(   )==(  
>                                 \ (    ) /
>                                  \_)  (_/

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