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Re: KAT5 FAQ Online WAS Newbie Questions


I am impressed by how fast you got this up and running!

I am also impressed by the units ...I WANT!!!

A few more questions for the FAQ.....

I guess it just isn't possible to get the IR signals on the KAT5 AVS?

What would be needed in addition to the KAT5 AVR to actually transmit
the IR signals or will it be a packaged solution? ( I guess I am
asking what the input/outputs will be for the IR)

Are the units the same for TX and RX? I guess not but thought I would
as anyway ;)

Will the multi-zone AV Switcher accept the other cards as modules?
That is will it be possible to upgrade from a number of the stand
alone units to the Switcher without throwing away the original units?

WIll the AV Switcher have IR remote control or some other form of

Is the KAT5 VGA intended for remote monitors attached to a PC? If so
how about running the keyboard and mouse over the same connection?

The KAT5 MCA is 2 x stereo line level or something else?

I am sure it is a bit early for some of these questions but there you
go .

Sorry for all the additional questions but this stuff has me excited


for a first draft.  Sorry
>if there are problems with the hosting server, but I will probably
>sometime to something a bit better as the site builds.
>James H

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