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X10 Problems

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: X10 Problems
  • From: nick.broughton@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 08:55:58 +0000
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

I've taken the plunge and bought a CM12, IR7243 and a few
lamp/appliance modules.

Everything I do with the IR7243 seems to work fine, although Mark (and
probably Mike) will be pleased to hear that I _do_ need to chuck the
Angel and get a Pronto because the Angel ran out of memory half way
through learning the commands for the IR7243 _and_ I've just ordered my

Anyway to the problems.  I'm using Homeseer (evaluation for now), and
the Events that I've set up don't seem to work as well as I would
expect, for example I've got a Lavalamp on one LM12 which is set to dim
gradually after it's been on a while to prevent overheating.  The dim
commands (5% relative) continue to be sent after it has gone off, this
I can deal with by adding a few more conditions to the trigger, but
sometimes the lamp comes back on, why?  Also the lamp flickers when the
module is set to 100%, dimming it to about 85% stops it, why?  The bulb
in the unit is a reflectorised spot lamp, but not halogen.

Standard lamps in the living room also on LM12 are sent a bright to 5%
and subsequent bright by 5% every few seconds at dusk.  This goes
horribly wrong.  Sometimes they come on at full intensity, sometimes
they never get to full intensity, despite plenty of increments being
sent.  Why?

I've got some bulkhead lights outside the garage which are controlled
by a LD10.  I turn these on with a KR19/TM12.  Because of their
'memory' response to the 'on' command, I've got an event in HomeSeer
that responds to this on command and sends a bright to 100%, this
doesn't always seem to work either, but the lights dim to 0 intensity
and then go off, so an on it's own should only turn them on to 0
intensity, but they sometimes come on at about 20 or 30%.

Things I can think off are
- I'm misunderstanding the function of bright/dim commands.
- HomeSeer is buggy - surely not.
- My CM12 is borderline too far away from the devices so commands are
getting lost or corrupted.

Any help, because it's all driving me (and SWMBO) up the wall!



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