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Re: Digibox choice

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Digibox choice
  • From: "paul gordon" <paul_gordon@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 15:18:42 GMT
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: listsaver-egroups-ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> > a) Are there any digiboxes I can purchase which do have S-video?

Another great leap forward in consumer technology then!

>Apparently Pace say S-Video could be enabled merely with a software
>as the box has the capability to output it but for some reason Sky
>allow it.  I read somewhere this was because Sky hadn't been able to
>Macrovision to work on S-Video but as far as I know Macrovision works
>S-Video output of DVD players so this may not be true.

Hmmm... this has peaked my interest - I wonder then if there is a black
market for digibox mods, in much the same way as there is for DVD's (to
multi-region) and playstations.... If it's really as simple as a software
hack, I can't believe it'll be long before someone like Concept UK has an
interface available to enable it... As a matter of fact, this topic reminds
me that I definately remember seeing a small ad in the current "What
Satellite" mag that claimed to be a device to enable you to record all
box office movies (obviously therefore defeating Macrovision)...

Buying my own digibox is definately looking more and more attractive...

>Another thing you may want to consider is a box with an digital out
>The Germans already have Dolby Digital being broadcast so Sky may too
>future.  I believe one of the OnDigital boxes (Sony?) has an optical
>audio out but none of the Sky Digiboxes yet.

don't even get me on the topic of having Dolby Digital sound on digital TV,
another one of the things about this country that makes my blood boil....

>My friend in the satellite business tells me Pace definitely have the
>rumoured digibox that allows the recording of one channel while
>another.  Although he says this will be an up-market product that you
>have to pay for rather than get free.
>Pace also have a prototype box with a hard-drive in it for recording
>programs (like the replay/tivo in USA).

There's a photo of it in the current What Sat...


Paul G.


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