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RE: X-10 dimming


try fitting bigger bulbs :-)

The Lamp Modules and Din Dimmers have a neutral connection and so obtain
their power supply direct from the mains. The wall switch dimmers do not
have a neutral connection and so obtain their power supply by dropping some
of the power for the lamps across their own circuitry.

Many people have commented how Light Switches will cause the lamp to glow
even when off. It is possible that the WS may need more current to operate
when it is ON (even dimly) than when completely OFF thus causing the glow
that you see. Try a bigger bulb to see if that works, failing that it will
have to be an LM or LD to cure the problem.


I do not have a LD10 to prove my theory but others here can confirm whether
or not they go completely dark.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Mark Harrison [SMTP:Mark_Harrison_UK@xxxxxxx]
Sent:	22 December 2000 11:32
To:	ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject:	[ukha_d] X-10 dimming


Sorry if this is an FAQ, but as you know, I've finally turned to the
dark side and installed some X-10 instead of hardwiring yet more
cables ;-)

I have, among other things, an LM12U and an LW10U. These control,
respectively a bedside lamp and the main light in our bedroom.

If I "keep dimming" the LM12U, it ultimately goes dark.
If I "keep dimming" the LW10U, it stays at a low level, but never
goes dark completely.

Given that the plan for "default overnight state" is to dim to
then dim up 20% on PIR trigger for 5 minutes in the other rooms, this
is a problem if I can't dim to black. (Obviously if X-10 had a dim up
to 20% from off without going to full first...)

Two questions:

1: Is this LW10U behaviour normal?
2: Which behaviour do the DIN rail dimmer exhibit?



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