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Re: Beckoned by the dark side!

Mark McCall wrote:
> OK everyone you may want to sit down for this one (Nigel - pour
yourself a
> big glass of Bushmills and have it standing by!). goes…
> On Friday night I INSTALLED LINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heh, well done. This means you have safely graduated from the
Windows/Intel Holy War and can now proceed to the Which Linux Distro and
Which Linux Desktop Holy Wars!

> I have installed Red Hat V6.1 on an old P200MMX.

Red Hat? You don't want RedHat. You want SuSE.

> I made a mistake when picking the comm. Port for my mouse (it worked
> the install but now not in GNOME).

GNOME? You don't want GNOME. You want KDE2.

> Kwong from Laser Business Systems

Buggerit, that reminds me, I was meant to be sending him a driver!

> So - what AM I going to do with it?

Buy a TW7223, and run my driver for it...arse, I haven't finished it

Buy a LookC video board and run my motion capture software...arse, I
haven't finished it yet.

Install KDE2 and run my house management software...arse, I haven't
started it yet.

Hmm ;). Well, it'll make a good firewall router until then.


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