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Re: Schematic and PCB package

On a similar thread, has anyone tried the following method? Passed on to me
one of the guys in That shop what's name starts with an M....

Apparently, if you print using a laser printer onto the glossy
"photo" paper
meant for HP Inkjets, you can then Iron it off onto the Copper. because
just paper rather than a plastic, you can ramp the heat on the iron up
without problems, the toner melts and fuses to the copper.

Then you wash the board in warm water, which takes the paper off, leaving
the fused toner on the PCB, which you can then etch. Because the toner
is very thin, you don't get much in the way of undercut problems, and when
done, you can take the toner off with a light sandpaper/polishing block.

It sounds fine in principle, and I did print a design out onto the paper
which looked like it would work, but didn't have any copper board at the
time. I don't have a laser, so I can't really try it out except at work.


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