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RE: Nigel's IR transmitter - some questions from a begin ner about to bu ild one.

  • To: "'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Nigel's IR transmitter - some questions from a begin ner about to bu ild one.
  • From: Robert Chasmer <robert.chasmer@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:01:23 -0000
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Ian Wrote:
> The visible LED flashes as it should but no IR signal out. In a fit of
> complete madness I then tried a total of 5 out of 6 IR LEDs and none
> them worked. About this time I wondered if I had the LED connected the
> correct way round. My guess (and Nigels, the circuit creator) at the
> moment is that I have toasted all but one IR LED. Time to do some safe
> testing to find the good  one and ascertain its polarity. I did some
> research this morning and it seems it is opposite to the visual LED so
> woops, Lesson 2: insert components the correct way round and check,
> check and treble check!

When I built the ciruit I used just visible LED's, after testing I swapped
in the IR LED.

Most LED's, and the IR LED's I had, have one leg shorter than the other.
The shorter leg should go towards the (-) negative, the longer leg towards
the (+) positive.  Some round LED's also have a flatter bit on one edge
which also point towards the negaative.  Once the circuit works ok with the
visable LED's it should just be a case of swapping it with an IR one.  I
also had to make sure the IR LED actually pointed towards my TV, or HIFI to
get them to recieve the IR commands. [Disclaimer: All of this could be
complete Tosh!]

Surely if your using an inline resistor you unlikely to have fried the
LED's.  I thought diodes were meant to prevent current flowing in the wrong
direction, there not fuses?

I've only managed to fry a 555 timer so far.  Ahh the smell of burning
electronic components!

______   __   _   ______   ______
/ ___   / /  /  / __    / _____ HOME: chas@xxxxxxx
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/ /  __  / ___  / / ___  /  \__  \            ----
/ /__/ / / /  / / / /  / / _____/ / Rob Chasmer, MMT Computing
______/ _/  /_/ _/  /_/ ______/ robert.chasmer@xxxxxxx

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