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Another IR Success !

Well after digging up my old breadboards and a couple of trips to Maplins,
I've managed to build Nigels IR Module.  I can now control kit thats in the
lounge by pointing my remote at a pile of electronics in the dinning room.

A big thanks to Nigel, Keith and Graham for chatting about the project on
the list amongst other things.  This finally persuaded me to have a go
myself, which turned out to be very painless.

So a quick rundown for anyone thats interested:-
* I got hold of the TSOPS from Keith - thanks very much.  Studied the
circuit diagram, and worked out what was what thanks to the discussion.

* First trip to Maplins in Holborn, London.  The guy in the shop was most
unimpressed that I gone to the shop half an hour before closing on a
Even though I'd gone to the trouble of using the Maplin website, to get an
orderform with all the codes, descriptions etc printed out.
I managed to get most of the items except the zenners and IR LED.

* Visit to Maplins in Southend, secured me the missing components.

* So with all the components at hand, my aging multimeter, a resistor
maplin catalog, breadboard and modified ciruit diagram I set to work.  I
built the circuit, but wanted to test out the zenner bit before I plugged
the TSOP (The zenner was to get a 5v supply from a 12V one).  I was worried
for a bit because I was measuring 9.0 volts where it should have been 5.0,
but after a while I realised it was my ageing digital meter.  The display
has leeked a bit, and the 5 was looking like a 9, Doh!
Powered the circuit up pointed my remote at it and hay presto, flashing

* Next I seperated the reciver from the transmitter and joined them using a
long bit of Cat5 cable, but in my excitment managed to switch the polarity
of the 12v supply (a couple of 6v batteries).  End result one dead 555
timer, good job I'd bought some spares.  After fixing my broken  circuit, I
put the transmitter on the floor and tried it out.   I soon discovered that
the transmitter needs to actually point towards the kit your trying to
control, but other than that it worked very well.

* Every now and then I notice that the transmitter LEDs flash by
this was at night, is this normal?

* If I have the Receiver module near the transmitter module I get some sort
of feedback, where by the transmitter stays on.  Are there ways round this?
I'm going to just try and ensure the transmitter is not in the line of site
of the transmiter(s)

* I want to replace the batterie supply with a transformer of some kind. 
it Ok to use one of the DC Transformers that Maplin sell for arround a
tenner.  Should I get a 'Regulated' one?

* I'm thinking of housing the transmitter circuit at a distance from the
actual LED's.  How long can cables joining the circuit to the LEDs actually
be.  A few people have suggested I position the IR transmitters on the
actual kit.  Anyone got any ideas about this?

For the reciever I think I can cram the three components in.

* If I want more that one reciever, where do I join them.  I have three
cables between the receiver and transmitter currently with +12v, Signal and
Ground.  Do I just add more TSOP's with the zenner and diode to drop the
voltage down to 5v each time.  Also If I want more transmitters can I just
add extra IR LED's or should I build several transmitter circuits.  If I
build more than one transmitter circuit can I just join them on the same

Thanks again.  I'm going to build a circuits up on PCBs in the next few
days, and put the things in boxes.  I'll let you know how I get on.

______   __   _   ______   ______
/ ___   / /  /  / __    / _____ HOME: chas@xxxxxxx
/ /  /_/ / /__/ / / /__/ / / /__
/ /  __  / ___  / / ___  /  \__  \            ----
/ /__/ / / /  / / / /  / / _____/ / Rob Chasmer, MMT Computing
______/ _/  /_/ _/  /_/ ______/ robert.chasmer@xxxxxxx

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