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RE: Modem Caller-ID question (long-ish)

  • To: ukha_d <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Modem Caller-ID question (long-ish)
  • From: Keith Doxey <keith.doxey@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 13:40:48 -0000
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Hi Paul,

Dont know the answer to your particular problem but I have observed similar
Caller ID problems myself.

In the kitchen I have a Blue/Yellow BT Freebie caller ID unit that is 100%

In the lounge I have a BT CD50 Caller Display unit which will for no
apparent reason miss some of the calls.

I have no idea why this happens but wonder if it could be due to the effect
of other equipment on the line. How many items have you got on the line and
what are they?

For example BT Relate 300 telephones kill modem connection speeds. Certain
other phones can stop "bell" type phones from ringing as they
rectify the
ringing signal. It could be something like that. Try disconnecting a
different item every 2 or 3 days and monitor the problem. If you identify
one particular device as causing the problem tell us :-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Gordon [mailto:paul_gordon@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 07 November 2000 12:32
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: [ukha_d] Modem Caller-ID question (long-ish)
> Hi all,
> Anyone using a Hayes Modem for Caller ID?
> I purchased an Accura 56K voice message modem a few weeks ago
> purely for
> this purpose, (for use with Homeseer Phone).
> In a nutshell, it appears to be highly unreliable at
> retrieving the CID
> data. When I first set it up I issued an "AT#CID=1" command
> to turn it on,
> tested it with several phone calls, and all seemed to be OK.
> However, over the past couple of weeks, it has become obvious
> that it's not
> OK...
> Sometimes it will just "miss" CID on an incoming call,
> totally at random,
> typically out of 10 inbound calls, it might display the CID
> on 7 or 8 of
> them, but not necesarily in any pattern.
> Also, sometimes it will just stop doing Caller-ID totally,
> (as if AT#CID=0
> had been sent), and will remain like that until I issue
> another AT#CID=1 to
> force it on again.
> Usually, behaviour 1 precedes behaviour 2. (but not always)
> Whilst this has been going on, I went out and bought an
> el-cheapo (£9)
> CallerID unit to test the incoming data. This suggests that
> the data is
> coming in 100%, as this unit has NEVER missid the CID data on
> a single call.
> I just can't figure it - the modem never gets powered off or
> reset in any
> way. In fact for the last few days I have just had Hyperterminal sat
> monitoring it constantly, and I have seen both behaviours
> several times
> (with me doing a CID=1 from time-to-time).

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