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Re: Which book to buy?

Thanks for the info folks :-)  I'd kind of thought the same thing about
the "Dummies" books myself, but wondered if this one might be a
meatier.  I'll probably go for the weightier looking tome then.

>If you do have an idea of what you want to learn about, maybe someone
>can suggest a useful place to start?

I've got _loads_ of ideas of what I want to automate eventually (cash
permitting) and I'm pretty clued up on electronics so shouldn't have any
problems with that.  I'm really looking for guidelines, do's & don'ts,
and stuff like how do you run miles of cat5 through an already built
house without ripping all the walls to bits :-)

I think 90% of what I'll need to know I can pick up from this list, and
from everyone's web sites, but a good, well illustrated book can be very
handy when you're in the middle of things.

If anyone can recommend other good reference material, I'd be very
grateful, and I'll probably order "Home Automation and Wiring"
It should be a good christmas holiday read at least.

Thanks again,

David P.

David_Paterson =3D david.paterson@xxxxxxx =A6 david.paterson@vissci.=

R & D programmer        There are three kinds of people in the world -
Visual Sciences Ltd.      those who can count, and those who can't...

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