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Re: Temic TSOP 1838

At 10:18 24/08/00 +0100, you wrote:
>If you have the MAPLIN part code, i can definatively check to see if
>are still in the company.

NU67 , pg236 of the current catalogue.

Showing as discontinued on the website, and I think Keith D had
confirmation from Maplin Central :-(

The Sharp should do the job, the datasheet  (on the web at
)is a bit vague in places,
but it looks like 2 external components are all that's needed, and it's
cheaper than the TBA2800 chip which needs several.  If both the data sheet
and RS catalogue are correct, it has a 22k pullup internally, and is
specified to drive into a 2.2k pullup, so 10 in parallel should still work
properly.  The Temic one has a 100k pullup, and is specified to drive 5mA
(IIRC), so it could have 100 in parallel.  10 should be enough for me :-)


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