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Re: Extra serial ports

You need an extra serial port card. They range from about 12 quid for a 2
port version (
right up to nearly a grand
for the high end 16 port ones.

You MIGHT be able to pick up a cheaper 8+ port card if you scout around,
they were used to connect Unix terminals to their servers at one point, in
the days before networks, and there are still some around, god knows where
you'd get one though.

Don't bother with the more expensive PCI ones, the speed that modems and
other RS232 devices go at, it isn't worth it, you won't get any performance
gain over the ISA cards.

At 09:17 04/08/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Does anyone know the easiest and cheapest way to add extra serial ports
to a

Stuart Grimshaw
Schoolsnet Ltd			  	Special
t: 07976 625221			  	Projects
e: stuart@xxxxxxx  	Developer
f: 0870 7060260

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